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Weight Watchers is Not for Everyone - But it can Educate and Narrow Down the Type of Diet that Works Best for You

by Christina
(Oakley, CA, USA)

I joined Weight Watchers (WW) because I needed to lose 30 pounds. The cost was reasonable, and there were classes located conveniently nearby, so I attended a few different group’s sessions to learn what they had to offer.

The meetings are generally well-run, having you weigh yourself at sign-in, and you'll meet lots of other people there with whom you can identify. The WW staff will lead an informative talk about how to use their program, and there are no special foods you have to buy.

It is your own choice if you want to purchase their products, and there is never a hard sell. The diet is designed to be safe and effective, and to change your eating habits for life.

What did not work well for me was the general attitude and demeanor of the staff. At weigh-in, after logging a 1/4 pound loss, the lady monitoring my weight commented, "Oh, you just lost another stick of butter!"

I was very uncomfortable hearing my weight loss associated in that way, as if I were sitting at home all week chewing on butter sticks, or as if I were a child who needed simplistic praise to get me motivated.

I did not meet a single person who simply took the diet seriously, without hype or over-the-top enthusiasm. For some, this is exactly what is needed from a diet group.

But, for me, it was cloying and unrealistic. I have to struggle with my weight every day of my life, and it does not help motivate me to attend meetings where people are going to ooze excitement or over-the-top anxiety about it.

That said, the diet is a sound one, and I learned a lot from being exposed to its requirements. I also learned that I do not do well in face-to-face diet groups. And, I appreciate that they are available to those who do benefit.

However, I ended up being much more successful working on my diet alone, and sometimes via an anonymous online group.

When you are first searching for ways to diet, it is wise to check out all the options. Diet groups, like Weight Watchers, online groups, and even just going it alone. If one does not work for you, another will.


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You make a lot of very good points, particularly when you say, "I have to struggle with my weight every day of my life..."

In the distant past obesity wasn't a concern, because there simply was not enough food for everyone. No matter your genetics, you can't be overweight if you don't get enough to eat.

But we don't face that problem today. And if we have genes which make our bodies store extra calories -- and most of us do -- then it is hard not to keep gaining weight.

And so weight loss becomes a struggle. And even if it isn't a "struggle" it is still something that is a daily part of your life.

There are few if any overweight people who can lose weight and then not have to worry about it again.

The only way to lose weight and keep it off is with a program that fits with your life, that you can happily follow, and keep following for the long run.

Dr. Dan

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