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Wedding Weight Loss

Many brides-to-be want to lose a few pounds for their wedding day. On that one special day they want to look and feel their best.

But are they just planning on gaining it back the next day? There an interesting viewpoint on this from Glamour:

Have you given up your most-favorite foods in an effort to slim down for your wedding? What do you miss most? And are you planning to go on a fat-and-sugar bender the day after you say your vows?

It's an interesting question, because it highlights what is probably the biggest mistake you can make when trying to lose weight. And what is that mistake?

It's the idea that at one time of your life you are on a "diet," but that when you get off your diet you can eat what you want. Or overeat what you want.

It seems like most women understand this too. One made her point with humor:

Ummm, I nailed my guy down years ago. He knows what he's getting into. It shouldn't matter whether you gain weight or not. Through better or WORSE...hellllllo!!

And others just want to eat right and stay at a good, healthy weight.

I feel like you should live a healthy lifestyle always, not just in the year leading up to your wedding so you can look a certain way.

Now that is a good sentiment. But for some it's not so easy:

It's been hard for me to get back to normal!

Now that's the entire point wrapped up in one line: "...hard to get back to normal." If life is on-a-diet and then off-a-diet, then what is normal?

The best way, the effective way for long-term weight loss, is to do only those things that you can stay on from now on. That includes the right foods and the right activities in the right amounts and all the other things that contribute to a healthy weight and a healthy body.

That way you can reach your goal weight and stay there. And if you do, that will be the end of dieting for you.


Where to start:

There is a lot of information on this site. The links below will get you off to a good start.

Most popular pages:

These are some of our most popular pages. They are also some of the most helpful if you are finally ready to lose weight.

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  • Clearwater, FL 33761
  • (727) 771-8282

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