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It worked for me!!!
by: "H"

I tried slim fast and it worked for me. After about five months I lost about 50 lbs, that was seven years ago and I only gained back about 10 lbs since that time.

I'm back on the shakes and have lost 4 lbs in about a week or so.

My thing is this, people don't follow the directions of the plan. You aren't supposed to drink a shake with fries, a burger, a sandwich, some cookies, etc...

When you cut back on calories the natural reaction is to be hungry, very hungry but that's something that you have to get used to.

I followed the plan which at the time was 1 shake for breakfast, 1 for lunch and a SENSIBLE dinner in which mine consisted of a salad, 6 oz boneless chicken breast, mixed vegetables and a small baked potato. I would alternate the chicken for the same sized portion of either a lean butterflied pork chop or tilapia fillet, sometimes a steak but not often (grilled or pan seared in about a tsp of vegetable oil) and plenty of water. Slim Fast shakes did not fill me up nor did I expect them to; you are not going to get full from drinking a shake. I think of it as a multi vitamin in a can.

I think that if people really want to loose weight then they have to stop with the excuses like headache, I'm not full, etc. I didn't get any gas or headaches from the shakes but after I got used to the hungry feeling it actually began to feel good, definitely better than being stuffed and miserable from when I used to over eat.

I added just cardio as exercise and the weight seemed to fall off once I really got into it. I think that we just have to find what works for us in the end as well as a reason to loose weight. I found what worked for me, it's not an easy diet but it can lead to a lifestyle change which is what it's all about anyway....

slimfast NEW
by: Anonymous

Just started it a week ago coffee latte flavor found it so sweet grated on my teeth.however tried to make it less sweet by adding bit of water but it frothy also appalled to see it got 20 gm sugar in it how can that be healthy lost 3 lb in week is it worth it????

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