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Pull-ups For Strong Arms And Back

by Stefan Boshevski

In my opinion the best exercise for getting fit is pull-ups. (Of course push-ups too, you can't forget them.)

You only need one pull-up bar and nothing more. You just put the pull up bar where you have a free place and you start working out.

If you can't make even one pull up you can place a chair under the bar that will help you to pull yourself up. After the time passes you won't need it at all.

I personally do three kind of exercises on the bar. The first one is where you get your arms wide on the bar.

The second is where you again put your hands wide on the bar but this time the bar needs to go behind your head when you pull up (reverse pull-ups.)

The last exercise is when you put your hand close to one another on the bar and you pull yourself up.

I do 4 sets of 10 pull-up's in 3 exercises. If you are not as fit, or you haven't done them before, try to make as many as you can. Every time you will get yourself up one time more than the last and it will be big benefit for you.

First time I've seen this exercise was from TV when I was little, about 12 years old. I quickly ran out in the yard and tried it on one of the bars. I was amazed. At first I couldn't make more than two pull-ups.

But as the time passed my arms and back grew stronger so I could do about five or six. The only coach at that time was my dad so he helped me on the exercise and give me tips on how to do it better.

But the most important of all things is motivation and attitude. Without them you can try as long as you want but you won't get anywhere.

At first, I was making about 4 or 5 series with 3 to 5 pull ups everyday. After a year (it took a year because I was little and I couldn't advance so quickly) I started to do the exercise 3 to 4 times a week with more sets.

After every time you train you need to rest for about 20 hours.

To sum up this exercise is great if you want to get stronger arms and back. This will help you if you try to work out in the gym on different styles of exercises that require strength and stamina.

For me, this exercise played a big roll in my training routine and I use it today and I plan to do it as long as I can.

Absolutely everyone should try this exercise. My advice before you start... you do not need anything more than confidence, attitude and motivation. After all, everyone can do it. It's the spirit of the character that counts.

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